If you haven't submitted through Canvas before, follow the steps below. Submitting through an assignment Turnitin uses the same Canvas upload process with which you're likely already familiar. Instructors may also Quick Submit (i.e., Direct Submit) papers to Turnitin, but this functionality is not available to students at this time. Note: The only way that a student can submit a paper to Turnitin is via a Canvas Assignment on which the Turnitin plagiarism checking tool has been enabled by the instructor for academic integrity purposes. Finally, Turnitin is available as a plagiarism checking tool for assignments.

For all other courses involving proctored tests, Respondus is available to prevent students from opening unauthorized applications during the assessment. For iCourses and oCourses, Honorlock is the principal online proctoring solution. How do I use the Turnitin plagiarism checking tool in Canvas? ASU uses a variety of academic integrity tools to protect the value and standards of its degrees and programs.